Dear Digital Diary,
Do you feel so stressed that your face breaking out constantly?
To you feel like there should be more hours to the day to finish things?
Why do I always feel like a failure even when I though I feeling like I'm trying but have NO ENERGY!
Here are a few ways that have helped me combat procrastination and stress!
1: Wake Up Earlier
Waking up early can be so annoying, but whenever I wake up earlier I accomplish more throughout the day. I feel like if I accomplish things at the beginning of my day because it makes me want to continue that pattern of productivity. I mean, it’s a no brainer that if you wake up earlier you have more time during the day to finish things, but it honestly really does help.
"By knocking things off my list I feel accomplished and I have the rest of my day to do fun things and enjoy myself."
So instead of dreading the snooze button, embrace it! You were blessed to wake up and live another day. So seize the day and take advantage of the daylight.
2: Plan Ahead
We have planners.
We have apps.
But I try not to go too crazy...
"To be able to accomplish different things throughout the day, it helps to have things to keep you on track."
I personally have the google calendar app and it helps organize my crazy life. Everything is color coordinated and I can even have reminders on the app also.
In addition to my apps I also have a planner. I know that we live in a day of technology where everything is either on your phone or on your laptop. We have things in our calendars and we have reminders set to go off at certain times, but I’ve always liked the idea of writing things down.
"I feel as though my mind clarifies when I just sit down and simply use just a pencil and my planner."
I love having a tangible way to look at things so that I can erase things and add my own personal style to it. Helps make multi-tasking less boring.
3: Stimulating Senses
I know it can be a nightmare to wake up in the morning when you really really don’t want to. I think that the best way to ease your body into motion is to stimulate your senses.
"Have scented morning face wash to wake up your skin or maybe have a playlist ready in the morning that puts a jump into your step."
Become a morning person by simulating your body. Oh, and remember to eat your breakfast! Your body just went hours and hours without food so PLEASE feed it!
4: Pace Yourself
Whenever I have to accomplish big tasks, like term papers or a video for YouTube, it's important to spread the load. As they say, "Rome wasn't built in a day". Dividing large tasks can ease the load off. For example, for a YouTube video I have to...
1) Plan: When, where and how I want to do the video. If it's a fashion lookbook what outfits and settings do I want. Do I need extra equipment or help?
2) Edit: I pick music for a video and make sure it's not copyrighted. Then, I have to insert and edit video clips to how I want it. Maybe I want sound effects or graphics.
3) Publish: I need to write a description of the video with any links that I want. Just making sure that it looks good for my audience.
Honestly that was such a rough description, but looking at it from a more "divide and conquer" point-of-view, it makes it a bit more bearable.
5: Breaks & Rest!
I know it may seem like goal achievement is all work and no play. In reality, we’re all human and sometimes we need our sanity. You need healthy ways to relax.
"It's important for your mind to rest. Make sure you're balancing your sleep schedule well."
On top of that, have an emotional unwinding. Hangout with good people of take up a hobby that's enjoyable. I love visiting new restaurants with my friends and with my boyfriend Xavier. I also like to go hiking and other fun outdoors activities.
However you unwind, it's important that you do it!
Thank you guys for reading!
How do you guys keep a productive front? Let me know on my social platforms!
Keep Going,
Camille <3