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Dear Digital Diary | Dealing With It

Dear Digital Diary,


In stressful situations there are times of complete and utter embarrassment that your body goes through.

People cope in many different ways. Maybe it’s writing, or watching a movie, or just calling somebody up to talk to them about whatever your mind is throbbing over.

"The mind is an animal in a way. You have to tame it in order to use it. Suppressing or easing the many thoughts that run through it every day can be extremely challenging."

When I think of coping, I like to write and maybe talk to someone about what’s bothering me or what’s keeping my mind all crazy and hazy. Then, there are people who like to blow off steam about whatever they’re thinking about. Maybe they like to work out or shop for a new outfit or two.

For me, it seems that every time I try to take my mind off of something, my brain just keeps firing missiles to get my attention back to what I was thinking about before. It’s excruciating annoying!

That’s why I feel like that method of coping is something that I can never do. I’m the type of person who needs to work out what’s bothering me in a more upfront and tangible way. This can be through writing about it or simply just talking to somebody.

I feel as though minimal problems, such as not knowing what to wear in the morning or being frustrated that you forgot to buy something from the grocery store, can be easy to work out over time.

Then, there’s the big leagues! Whenever I have a big argument with somebody that I love or something horrible happens to somebody I’m close with it feels like my mind is in an earthquake. Even if I try to suppress my thoughts it feels like I can’t control where or when the "thought aftershocks" are coming or going.

"I can be nauseating and overwhelming."

It’s healthy to express your sadness or anger. Everybody needs a healthy output to release their emotions. As everybody knows, it’s super unhealthy to hold everything inside. One day, you’re going to COMBUST and it’s not gonna look pretty...

Recently, I did combust...

It was because of all the frustrations that were mounting on me and, well, I wasn’t coping with it.

Looking back, I’m glad that those things are over with or at least the climax of these events are over. I should’ve found a way to express myself and release my emotions much earlier, before I exploded.

"I feel as though the spirit in my soul was yearning to just be released through something because I wasn’t managing it."

Do yourself a favor and find a way to release the emotions into something that’s a positive. Maybe you can pick up writing or picked up a leisure activity that makes you break a sweat.

Find a way, a healthy way, to process all the numerous thoughts and emotions that run through your mind every single day. The human mind and body is something not to be reckoned with. Do yourself a favor and find your way to cope through life.

" Life was never meant to be easy, but you have to find a way to make it through and keep going."

Stay Strong Sweetie,



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